Stand-up comedian Raj Suresh will perform Thursday, April 1 as part of the Walton Arts Center's new series In The Atrium in a lineup that also includes Shawna Blake, JJ Molinaro and John Michael Cronin. In The Atrium offers free music, comedy and dance performances in a cabaret-style setting in the Walker Atrium. A limited number of tables are available for reservation in order to maintain low attendance numbers to adhere to state covid-19 guidelines, and masks are required. Suresh spoke with What's Up! Associate Editor Jocelyn Murphy about the show, his comedy and moving back to Northwest Arkansas.
Good fences make good neighbors ... right? Or that’s the question being asked in “Native Gardens,” a comedy opening this weekend at TheatreSquared in...
Marissa Culbreath plays the Stage Manager in “Our Town,” a Pulitzer Prize-winning classic being performed in repertory this summer at Arkansas Public Theatre with...
A new tour based on the 2016 Broadway revival of "Cats" is stopping this week at the Walton Arts Center. Dan Hoy, who portrays...